Insert Advertising Service

Free Standing Insert Programs

1) The customer determines where they want their insert distributed by the following parameters:  zip codes, counties, city, state, publication.
2) Simple rules – Must be at least 800,000. Must supply an example of the insert for weight and content.
3) Rates for inserts are based on 8-1/2 x 11 insert sheets.
4) Insert rates are publisher’s CPM rates
5) Insert rates are not commissionable.
6) Deadline: Pre-approval for insert size, weight, and content at least 6 weeks prior to insert. Final insert deadline at least 4 weeks prior to  to insert.
7) Insert sheets supplied from MACnet to the printer for insure accuracy in delivery.


The Cans…with the Insert Program through the Network
8 ) Can run the insert in publications where they are currently running display ads.
9) Can be billed…Yes, Pre-approved advertisers can be billed and must be paid within 30 days of receipt of final invoice and certificates of completion.
10) Can and will guarantee circulation.
11) Can provide your customer with a certificate of completion from every publication requested for the insert.


Contact MACnet at 1-800-450-6631 or in**@ma**********.com for more information and pricing or complete the form below.

Placement Request
Placement Service *
Frequency *
Display Ad Size Information (Only)
Provide Width & Height in inches.
Choose either a state or the actual publication you would like to include in your request.
Choose State (optional)
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