The MACnet Media Guide 2024

Did You Know?

1,755,560* gross contacts can impact your business?

Which of the following products or services, if any, do you plan to purchase during the next twelve months?
(% = Positive respondents)

15% New Automobile, Truck or SUV
14% Used Automobile, Truck or SUV
12% Furniture / Home Furnishings
22% Major Home Appliance
27% Computers, Tablets or Laptops
31% Home Improvements or Home Improvement Supplies
21% Television or Electronics
14% Carpet or Flooring
34% Automobile Accessories (tires, brakes or service)
39% Lawn & Garden Supplies
19% Florist / Gift Shops
13% Home Heating & Air Conditioning (service, new equipment)
49% Vacations / Travel
13% Real Estate (Sell or purchase)
47% Men’s Apparel
69% Women’s Apparel
22% Children’s Apparel
01% Boats or Personal Watercraft
18% Art & Crafts Supplies
12% Childcare

12% Education or Classes
09% Attorney
11% Chiropractor
22% Financial Planner (Retirement, Investing)
28% Tax Advisor / Tax Services
26% Health Club / Exercise Class
33% Cleaning Services (Carpet Cleaning, Air Duct Cleaning, Home Cleaning)
08% Weight Loss
23% Lawn Care Service (Maintenance & Landscaping)
22% Legal Gambling Entertainment (Lottery, Casinos, Racetracks, Bingo)
47% Pharmacist / Prescription Service
24% Cell Phone or Smart Phone (New Service or Update Service)
75% Dining & Entertainment
19% Jewelry
03% Wedding Supplies
19% Athletic & Sports Equipment
03% Motorcycles / ATV’s
47% Medical Services / Physicians/
32% Pet Supplies

Audited Media Platforms

Print Publication:  Average Net Circulation:
(46 Participating Publications)
946,786 (Print Edition)
Digital Edition: Average Monthly Unique Users:
(30 Participating Publications)
4,843 (Digital Edition)
Website:  Average Website Unique Users:
(33 Participating Publications)
Social Media: Average Facebook Likes:
(24 Participating Publications)
  Average Twitter Followers:
(13 Participating Publications)
  Average Instagram Followers:
(4 Participating Publications)
  Average LinkedIn Followers:
(2 Participating Publications)
Text Campaigns:  Average Text Subscribers:
(1 Participating Publications)
E‐Newsletters: Average E‐Newsletter Subscribers:
(16 Participating Publications)
Average Open Rate:
(16 Participating Publications)

Total Gross Contacts

CVC Estimated Edition Readership: 1,411,827
Total Digital Contacts: 343,733
Total Estimated Gross Contacts: 1,755,560*

*Total gross contacts include CVC estimated edition readership, website unique users, social media followers, and opened e‐newsletter contacts. Total gross contact estimates can include significant audience duplication. There was no attempt made to eliminate any duplication that may exist.


Publication Information

Number of Editions: One Hundred Nine (109) 
Format / Average Page Count: Broadsheet ‐   2
Tabloid ‐  105
Magazine ‐   2 
Circulation Cycle:  Weekly ‐   71
Bi‐Weekly ‐   11
Monthly ‐   27 
Circulation Day / Time: Monday ‐   1
Tuesday ‐   1
Wednesday ‐   50
Thursday ‐   5
Friday ‐   3
Saturday ‐   15
Sunday ‐   7
Monthly ‐  27

Year Established: 1955
Publication Type: 78 Community Newspapers
21 Shoppers
10 Other (Parenting, Senior, Ethnic or Business) 
Content: Advertising and editorial content varies by publication
Primary Delivery Methods: 26% Carrier Delivery / 56% Mail /
18% Controlled Bulk & Single Copy
Insert Zoning Available:  Yes – Zip Code / County / Route / Zone (varies by publication)
CVC Member Number: 13‐0000 
DMA/MSA: Varies by publication in the states of Pennsylvania, New York,Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland, Virginia and Washington DC 

Audit Funded By: Mid‐Atlantic Community Paper Advertising Network

Audited Circulation By Publication ‐ Print Edition

Organization City State Circulation Zip Codes
The Washington Informer Washington DC 14,130 20001, 20002, 20003, 20004, 20005, 20008, 20009, 20010, 20011, 20012, 20016, 20017, 20018, 20019, 20020, 20024, 20032, 20037, 20059, 20060, 20166, 20590, 20706, 20710, 20712, 20721, 20722, 20735, 20743, 20744, 20745, 20746, 20747, 20748, 20769, 20770, 20774, 20782, 20783, 20784, 20785, 20901, 20910, 20912, 22134, 22201, 22202, 22205, 222067, 22301, 22304, 22306, 22311, 22314
Denville Life Budd Lake NJ 7,821 07834
East Hanover Life Budd Lake NJ 11,758 07932, 07936
Hometown Life Budd Lake NJ 15,723 07035, 07403, 07405, 07440, 07442, 07444, 07457
Livingston Life Budd Lake NJ 15,547 07021, 07039, 07068
Mount Olive Life Budd Lake NJ 15,410 07828, 07836, 07840, 07857
Randolph Life Budd Lake NJ 16,671 07869
The Bargain Hunter ‐ Holmes Millersburg OH 24,078 43804, 44610, 44611, 44617, 44624, 44627, 44628, 44633, 44637, 44638, 44654, 44660, 44661, 44676, 44681, 44687, 44689, 44690, 44842, 44864
The Bargain Hunter ‐ South Tuscarawas Millersburg OH 12,680 43832, 43837, 43840, 44621, 44629, 44654, 44683
The Bargain Hunter ‐ Stark Millersburg OH 11,536 44608, 44612, 44613, 44654, 44662, 44680, 44697
The Bargain Hunter ‐ Tuscarawas Millersburg OH 16,364 44622, 44654, 44663
The Bargain Hunter ‐ Wayne / Woo Weekly Millersburg OH 16,737 44606, 44618, 44636, 44654, 44659, 44666, 44667
Wooster Weekly News   Millersburg OH 16,146 44654, 44691
Mature Living Toledo OH 19,996 43402, 43460, 43465, 43469, 43522, 43528, 43537, 43542, 43551, 43558, 43560, 43566, 43571, 43604, 43605, 43606, 43607, 43608, 43609, 43610, 43611, 43612, 43613, 43614, 43615, 43616, 43617, 43519, 43620, 43623, 48144, 48182
Toledo Area Parent News Toledo OH 20,215 43402, 43460, 43465, 43522, 43528, 43537, 43542, 43551, 43558, 43560, 43566, 43571, 43604, 43605, 43606, 43607, 43608, 43609, 43610, 43611, 43612, 43613, 43614, 43615, 43616, 43617, 43619, 43620, 43623, 48144, 48182
Toledo City Paper Toledo OH 23,890 43402, 43447, 43460, 43465, 43522, 43528, 43537, 43542, 43551, 43558, 43560, 43566, 43571, 43604, 43605, 43606, 43607, 43608, 43609, 43611, 43612, 43613, 43614, 43615, 43616, 43617, 43618, 43618, 43620, 43623, 48144, 48182, 49267
The Franklin Shopper Chambersburg PA 31,720 17201, 17202, 17214, 17217, 17219, 17220, 17221, 17222, 17224, 17225, 17235, 17236, 17237, 17240, 17241, 17244, 17246, 17247, 17250, 17251, 17254, 17256, 17257, 17262, 17263, 17265, 17268, 17271, 17353, 21740, 21742, 21767, 21783
Penny Power Coopersburg PA 53,049 18015, 18034, 18036, 18039, 18055, 18060, 18073, 18076, 18077, 18081, 18901, 18910, 18911, 18914, 18917, 18920, 18921, 18923, 18927, 18932, 18942, 18944, 18947, 18949, 18951, 18953, 18955, 18960, 18962, 18964, 18968, 18969, 18970, 18974, 19440
The Shopping News of Lancaster County Ephrata PA 36,869 17067, 17088, 17501, 17507, 17508, 17517, 17519, 17521, 17522, 17540, 17543, 17549, 17557, 17567, 17569, 17578, 17581, 19501, 19543
The Savings Guide Mechanicsburg PA 131,460 17006, 17007, 17011, 17013, 17015, 17018, 17019, 17020, 17024, 17025, 17028, 17032, 17037, 17040, 17043, 17045, 17047, 17050, 17053, 17055, 17062, 17065, 17068, 17070, 17074, 17081, 17090, 17101, 17109, 17110, 17111, 17112, 17241, 17266, 17315, 17319, 17339, 17345, 17365, 17370
Engle ‐ Columbia Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 11,640 17312, 17317, 17368, 17406, 17512
Engle ‐ Conestoga Valley Penny Saver Mount Joy PA 12,350 17501, 17505, 17508, 17522, 17540, 17572, 17576, 17580, 17601, 17602, 17605
Engle ‐ Donegal Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 8,970 17022, 17512, 17547, 17550, 17552
Engle ‐ Elizabethtown Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 11,595 17022, 17502, 17545, 17570
Engle ‐ Garden Spot Pennysaver Mount Joy PA 10,429 17506, 17507, 17517, 17519, 17522, 17528, 17549, 17555, 17557, 17569, 17578, 17581, 19540
Engle ‐ Hempfield Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 18,032 17512, 17520, 17538, 17545, 17552, 17554, 17575, 17601, 17603, 17607
Engle ‐ Hershey / Hummelstown / Palmyra Community Courier Mount Joy PA 24,439 17022, 17033, 17036, 17057
Engle ‐ Lampeter‐Strasburg Advertiser Mount Joy PA 8,439 17537, 17568, 17572, 17579, 17584, 17602, 17603
Engle ‐ Manheim Central Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 10,286 17512, 17543, 17545, 17552, 17564
Engle ‐ Manheim Township Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 14,275 17540, 17543, 17601, 17606
Engle ‐ Morgantown Community Courier Mount Joy PA 13,238 19344, 19508, 19520, 19523, 19543
Engle ‐ Octorara Community Courier Mount Joy PA 6,477 17509, 17527, 19310, 19330, 19365
Engle ‐ Penn Manor Advertiser Mount Joy PA 15,398 17512, 17516, 17532, 17551, 17554, 17565, 17582, 17584, 17603
Engle ‐ Pequea Valley Penny Saver Mount Joy PA 6,513 17505, 17527, 17529, 17534, 17535, 17555, 17557, 17562, 17572
Engle ‐ Solanco Advertiser Mount Joy PA 10,278 17503, 17509, 17518, 17532, 17536, 17560, 17562, 17563, 17565, 17566, 17584, 19362, 19363
Engle ‐ Warwick Merchandiser Mount Joy PA 12,005 17521, 17543
TOTAL      946,786

Audited Circulation, Distribution and Net Press Averages ‐ Print Edition

Audit Period Summary 

Average Net Circulation   (5‐H)
Average Gross Distribution   (5‐F)
Average Net Press Run     (5‐A) 


Audit Period Detail
A. Average Net Press Run
B. Office / File
C. Controlled Distribution

  1. Carrier Delivery
  2. Bulk Delivery / Demand Distribution 
  3. Mail
  4. Restock & Office Service 
  5. Other: Libraries 

Total Average Controlled Distribution
Controlled Returns


D. Paid Distribution

E. Sponsored / Voluntary Paid Distribution
Single Copy
Average Gross Distribution
G. Total Unclaimed / Returns
H. Average Net Circulation 

Online Reach

Audited Average Website Reporting

(33 Participating Publications) Monthly Audit Period Average
Website Unique Users 200,944
Website Sessions 252,474
Website Page Views 423,852
Pages Per Visit 1.68
Average Time Spent on Website 00:01:21

Email Media (16 Participating Publication)

Media Type Database Recipients
Non‐Subscriber Email Opt‐In Database 224,624
Advertiser Email Database 10,143
Average Open Rate 16.3%
Average Click Rate

Audited Online/Digital Edition Reporting

(30 Participating Publications) Monthly Audit Period Average
Digital Edition Subscribers 211
Unique Digital Edition Users (Web) 4,594
Digital Edition Page Views (Web) 24,039
Unique Digital Edition Users (Mobile) 249
Digital Edition Page Views (Mobile) 442

Social Media

Social Media Source Average Media Usage Participating Publications) 61,657 Likes
Twitter ‐ @(13 Participating Publications) 11,891 Followers Participating Publications) 22,347 Followers Participating Publications) 589 Followers

Text Media (1 Participating Publication)

Media Type Database Recipients
Non‐Subscriber Text Opt‐In Database 3,195


Readership Study Questions

1. Mid‐Atlantic Community Papers Association publications are distributed regularly in your area. Do you regularly read or look through one of Mid-Atlantic Community Papers Association?

YES 6,079 Survey Respondents

2. Do you frequently purchase products or services from ads seen in the (appropriate Mid‐Atlantic Community Papers Association publication)?

YES 4,238 69.8%
NO 1,841 30.2%

3. How long do you keep the (appropriate Mid‐Atlantic Community Papers Association publication) before discarding it?

51% 1‐2 Days
16% 3‐4 Days
17% 5‐6 Days
16% 1 Week or More

4. Reader Gender (Voice recognition ‐ Gender Bias Rotation)

Reader Demographics Market Demographics
40% 49% Male Readers
60% 51% Female Readers

5. What range best describes your age?

Reader Demographics Market Demographics  
<01% 05% 18 ‐ 20
01% 07% 21 ‐ 24
11% 16% 25 ‐ 34
>18% 16% 35 ‐ 44
23% 19% 45 ‐ 54
25% 18% 55 ‐ 64
18% 11% 65 ‐ 74
03% 06% 75 ‐ 84
01% 02% 85 years or older

6. What range best describes your combined annual household income for last year?

Reader Demographics Market Demographics
01% 09% under $15,000
02% 09% $15,000 ‐ $24,999
07% 10% $25,000 ‐ $34,999
12% 13% $35,000 ‐ $49,999
20% 19% $50,000 ‐ $74,999
20% 14% $75,000 ‐ $99,999
14% 09% $100,000 ‐ $124,999
08% 06% $125,000 ‐ $149,999
10% 07% $150,000 ‐ $199,999
06% 04% over $200,000

7. What is the highest level of education you have obtained?

Reader Demographics Market Demographics
01% 11% Some High School or Less
27% 34% Graduated High School
26% 26% Some College
30% 17% Graduated College
12% 09% Completed Master Degree
03% 02% Completed Professional Degree
01% 01% Completed Doctorate Degree

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