MACnet Media
MACnet Media has been in existence since 1988 offering a cost effective, convenient way for advertisers to reach their customers. Since its inception, several advertisers have consistently advertised on a weekly basis in our community papers and shoppers guides.
Insert Advertising Service
MACnet Media offers a convenient way to place your single sheet insert into our publications and an affordable, competitive rate. Contact us today for pricing!
Display Advertising Placement
Research – Placement – Results
Community Papers provide the ideal audience for advertising your product or service. Our display advertising program provides a convenient way to advertise in multiple publications with one invoice.
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Choose what you need — frequency, demographics, advertising placement — and we can get you the information you need to determine the best way to advertise.
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MACnet Media
Since 1988, MACnet Media has offered a cost effective, convenient way for advertisers to reach their customers. Since its inception, many advertisers have consistently advertised on a weekly basis for years in our community papers and shoppers guides.
Learn more about what MACnet offers and our history of successful advertising.
More About UsWhen it comes to your advertising dollars have them stretch with MACnet Media!
Inserts – Display Advertising – Classified Advertising
With research available on readership and receivership of our publications, choose exactly where you want to advertise from our list of over 30 publications whose circulation is audited with every issue that is published.
Contact Us
Are you interested in receiving information on any of our advertising networks?
Give us a call at 1-800-450-6631!